Friday, March 26, 2010

horror movies

i am not a fan of horror movies i am more of a action comedy kind of guy i would rather see a guy get kicked in the balls then hit with an axe.the shining was a decent movie i found it interesting kinda f up but it was a good movie.i think we need this genre to keep the mind flowing of weird stuff.

Friday, March 12, 2010


i like action movies because they have lots of action and usually some car chases which is always good.i like the fast and the furius movies and gone in sixty seconds because they have alot of both.

Friday, March 5, 2010

my novel

i really dont have a clue what is going on in my novel. it is about a big ship but i think the charicters are having flash backs of when he was young about the boat. im not that far in the book so am not to sure what is going on.


I am not a fan of sports but i will watch the olympics. i was glad canada beat the states in mens hockey but i said before the game went into overtime crosby would have to be the big hero and score and sure enough he did. I dont like crosby people blow him up to be all that and he isnt as good as the make him sound. the play before he scored he had a chance to pass the puck but instead he tried to go between to big players on the other team and lost the puck their was a player wide open that he could of passed to but instaed wanted to be the hero.I dont like crosby